Speciality Teas

Indulge in our premium special tea collection. From organic teas to unique blends, find your perfect cup with our curated selection.

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More About Speciality Teas


Exoteas offers a wide range of carefully crafted to provide a unique and exquisite tea-drinking experience. These teas are expertly selected and sourced from around the world, ensuring the highest quality and exceptional flavors.

Whether you're a connoisseur or a tea enthusiast, Exoteas' teas are designed to captivate your senses and take you on a delightful journey of taste and well-being.


1. Ayurvedic Teas

Drawing inspiration from ancient Ayurvedic practices, Exoteas' Ayurvedic teas are blended with natural herbs and spices known for their health-promoting properties. These teas aim to balance the body and mind, offering a harmonious and rejuvenating experience. Learn more about Ayurvedic Tea 

2. Iced Teas

Perfect for warm weather or a refreshing pick-me-up, Exoteas' Iced Teas are specially curated to deliver a cooling and invigorating sensation. These teas are crafted to be brewed and served over ice, providing a revitalizing and thirst-quenching experience.  Learn more about Iced Teas

3. Blended Teas

Exoteas' Blended Teas combine the finest tea leaves with carefully selected ingredients to create unique flavor profiles. These blends offer a perfect balance of tea and complementary flavors, resulting in a harmonious and delightful cup of tea.  Learn more about Blended Teas

4. Flavored Teas

Flavored Teas feature a wide variety of delightful and aromatic options. With flavors ranging from fruity and floral to indulgent and exotic, these teas are designed to add an extra layer of richness and depth to your tea-drinking experience.  Learn more about Flavoured Teas

5. Herbal Teas

Made from a variety of herbs, flowers, and botanicals, Exoteas' Herbal Teas are caffeine-free and provide a soothing and calming effect. These teas are known for their diverse health benefits and are a perfect choice for relaxation and tranquility. Learn more about Herbal Teas

Health Benefits

These teas offer numerous health benefits, depending on the type and ingredients used. Some potential benefits include:

1. Antioxidant Boost

Many teas, such as green and herbal teas, are rich in antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and promote overall well-being.

2. Digestive Support

Certain herbal and Ayurvedic teas can aid digestion, relieve bloating, and promote a healthy gut.

3. Relaxation and Stress Relief

Herbal teas like chamomile and lavender are known for their calming properties, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

4. Immune System Support

Some of these teas, particularly those with ingredients like ginger and turmeric, are known for their immune-boosting properties.

Brewing Guidelines

Remember, brewing guidelines may vary depending on the specific type of Tea, so refer to the packaging or consult Exoteas' website for detailed brewing instructions for each tea variety.

1. Water Temperature

Different teas require specific water temperatures. Use boiling water for black teas, and slightly cooler water (around 176°F or 80°C) for green and white teas, and follow specific instructions for herbal and Ayurvedic blends.

2. Steeping Time

The steeping time varies depending on the type of tea. Generally, black teas should be steeped for 3-5 minutes, green and white teas for 2-3 minutes, and herbal teas for 5-7 minutes. Follow the instructions on the tea packaging for the best results.

3. Tea-to-Water Ratio

A common guideline is to use approximately one teaspoon of loose-leaf tea or one tea bag per 8 ounces (240 ml) of water. Adjust the amount based on personal preference.

4. Brewing Vessels

Use a teapot or tea infuser for loose-leaf tea. For tea bags, simply place them in a cup or mug.

5. Experiment and Customize

Feel free to adjust the brewing time and amount of tea to achieve your desired strength and flavor

Difference Between Traditional Teas and Specialty Teas

 The main difference between traditional tea and specialty tea lies in their production, sourcing, and flavor profiles. Here are some key distinctions:

1. Production Methods

Traditional tea follows conventional processing techniques, while these teas often involve unique and innovative production methods.

2. Sourcing and Origin

Traditional teas are sourced from specific tea-growing regions, whereas these teas can come from various sources and may include blends or ingredients from different regions.

3. Flavor Profiles

Traditional teas have distinct flavors based on their type and origin, while these teas aim to provide unique and creative flavor experiences through additional ingredients and experimentation.

4. Focus on Innovation:

These teas focus on innovation, creativity, and uniqueness, while traditional teas maintain their established characteristics.


5. Availability:

Traditional teas are widely available, while these teas may have limited availability and are often produced in smaller quantities.

These teas offer unique flavors, innovative production methods, and limited availability compared to conventional and widely available traditional teas.